General Description
Internal medicine is a medical specialty that deals with a broad range of diseases and health problems affecting the internal organs. The main missions of our department are to perform research, give education and offer clinical services. Training of veterinary students to ensure that they have sufficient diagnostic and preventive medicine skills, especially for zoonotic diseases, is our main responsibility.
Internal Medicine Clinic consist of two different section (for small and for large animal) and offers medical service since 2003.
Following lessons are given to undergraduate students;
"Clinical Examination Methods"
"Internal Diseases of Large Animals"
"Internal Diseases of Small Animals"
2D-Doppler electrocardiography machine, cystoscopy machine, spirometer, full blood count analyzer, blood gas analyzer, full automatic aoutoanalyzer and some other diagnostic devices are located in our laboratories.
The majority of patients brought to the Internal Medicine Clinic are dogs and cats, and besides the number of exotic animal patients increased in the last few years.
Research Interests
* Area of interests in small animal internal medicine:
Gastroenterology, urinary system, hematology, cardiology, endocrinology, endotoxemia and endotoxemic shock, dermatology, infectious diseases (particularly ehrlichiosis and leishmaniosis), animal psychology and exotic animals.
* Area of interests in large animal internal medicine:
Digestive system diseases, metabolic diseases, BIV, BLV, PPR, trichophytosis, listeriosis in ruminants; screening of infectious diseases in horses; neonatal diseases and various infectious diseases, respiratory and digestive system diseases.
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine Staff